Michael Boesewetter as

Sound Technician

Sound Technician


Sound Technician

Name: Michael Boesewetter
Birthdate: 1/25/64
Reason you joined the Stunt Show: Thorezine wore off and in a weak moment…
How many grueling hours has Craig made you work on the show?: Only 1 grueling hour. The rest was easy.
Favorite Stunt: Well on fire.
What advice would you give someone playing your part?: Quit upstaging me - oh, not at the same time.
Favorite Line from any of the shows: "Yohko! - Oh no!"
Favorite fight partner in a show: The director.
Favorite Character From a Movie: Groundhog from "Caddyshack".
If you were stranded on a desert island with 1 other person, who would you prefer to be with?: Catherine Zeta-Jones.
No, really: OK, the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, to keep my spirits up.
If you could bring one luxury item, like in "Survivor", what would you bring?: Global Satellite Positioning Unit.
If you could have the power of 1 superhero, what would it be?: Superman's strength & impermeability.
If you were going to play a superhero in a movie, who would you want to be directed by?: Stanley Kubrick.
If you could kick one person's butt on the planet and get away with it, who would it be?: Mike Tyson.
Words to live by: Don't eat anything bigger than your head.
Acting/Technical experience: Read the novel.
Achievements: Read the book cover off the novel.

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